Domoticz smart thermostat

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Revision as of 20:22, 23 May 2017 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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Create a virtual device:

Name: Thermo 
Sensor type: Thermostat setpoint

Thermo setpoint.png

Choose a IOT4SH01DS device for temperature sensor, in my case named it 'Nappali'.

Thermo nappali.png

Choose a IOT4SH01Relay device for controlling the central heating unit, in my case named 'futes'.

Thermo switch.png

In the Setup-> More options -> Events

Thermo events.png

Insert this code:

-- Domoticz passes information to scripts through a number of global tables

local heating_probe = 'Nappali' 
local thermostat_setpoint = 'Thermo'
local heating_unit = 'futes'

local hysteresis = 0.1

commandArray = {}

-- loop through all the devices
for deviceName,deviceValue in pairs(otherdevices) do
    if (deviceName== thermostat_setpoint ) then

        if tonumber(deviceValue) < tonumber(otherdevices[heating_probe]-hysteresis) then
            if (otherdevices[heating_unit] == "On") then
             --   commandArray['SendNotification']='Heating is off'
                print("Heating is Off")
        elseif tonumber(deviceValue) > tonumber(otherdevices[heating_probe]+hysteresis) then
            if (otherdevices[heating_unit] == "Off") then
            --    commandArray['SendNotification']='Heating is on'
                print("Heating is On")

-- loop through all the variables
for variableName,variableValue in pairs(uservariables) do


return commandArray

The event type set to Lua and set the event to active.

If you remove the -- (lua remark) before the commandArray['SendNotification'] lines the Domoticz will be notify heating status changes. If you want can use higher hysteresis than 0.1 celsius, just simply modify the Lua code. Thermo lua.png