Using with NeoGPS and Arduino

From IOT4
Revision as of 14:52, 8 June 2017 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " <source lang=c++> #include <NMEAGPS.h> #define MAPLESERIAL #define DEBUG_PORT Serial #define PLATFORM "DUE" HardwareSerial &GPSport = Serial2; #define USING_GPS_PORT "Ser...")
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#include <NMEAGPS.h>


#define DEBUG_PORT Serial
#define PLATFORM "DUE" 
HardwareSerial &GPSport = Serial2; 
#define USING_GPS_PORT "Serial2"                             

static NMEAGPS   gps;  


static void printL( Print & outs, int32_t degE7 );
static void printL( Print & outs, int32_t degE7 )
  // Extract and print negative sign
  if (degE7 < 0) {
    degE7 = -degE7;
    outs.print( '-' );

  // Whole degrees
  int32_t deg = degE7 / 10000000L;
  outs.print( deg );
  outs.print( '.' );

  // Get fractional degrees
  degE7 -= deg*10000000L;

  // Print leading zeroes, if needed
  int32_t factor = 1000000L;
  while ((degE7 < factor) && (factor > 1L)){
    outs.print( '0' );
    factor /= 10L;
  // Print fractional degrees
  outs.print( degE7 );

static void doSomeWork();

static void doSomeWork( const gps_fix & fix )
  //  This is the best place to do your time-consuming work, right after
  //     the RMC sentence was received.  If you do anything in "loop()",
  //     you could cause GPS characters to be lost, and you will not
  //     get a good lat/lon.
  //  For this example, we just print the lat/lon.  If you print too much,
  //     this routine will not get back to "loop()" in time to process
  //     the next set of GPS data.

  if (fix.valid.location) {

    if ( fix.dateTime.seconds < 10 )
      DEBUG_PORT.print( '0' );
    DEBUG_PORT.print( fix.dateTime.seconds );
    DEBUG_PORT.print( ',' );

    // DEBUG_PORT.print( fix.latitude(), 6 ); // floating-point display
    // DEBUG_PORT.print( fix.latitudeL() ); // integer display
    printL( DEBUG_PORT, fix.latitudeL() ); // prints int like a float
    DEBUG_PORT.print( ',' );
    // DEBUG_PORT.print( fix.longitude(), 6 ); // floating-point display
    // DEBUG_PORT.print( fix.longitudeL() );  // integer display
    printL( DEBUG_PORT, fix.longitudeL() ); // prints int like a float

    DEBUG_PORT.print( ',' );
    if (fix.valid.satellites){
      DEBUG_PORT.print( fix.satellites );

    DEBUG_PORT.print( ',' );
    DEBUG_PORT.print( fix.speed(), 6 );
    DEBUG_PORT.print( F(" kn = ") );
    DEBUG_PORT.print( fix.speed_kph(), 6 );
    DEBUG_PORT.print( F(" kph") );

  } else {
    // No valid location data yet!
    DEBUG_PORT.print( '?' );


} // doSomeWork

static void GPSloop();
static void GPSloop()
  while (gps.available( GPSport ))
    doSomeWork( );

} // GPSloop

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {